
Truck Dispatcher USA

Truck Dispatcher USA

Truck Dispatcher USA

Truck Dispatcher USA

Truck dispatcher job is a rapidly growing profession in the US transportation industry. To work as a truck dispatcher, you do not need a higher education, but you need at least a high school diploma.

Truck dispatchers coordinate the transportation of goods by truck with drivers, suppliers, and customers. The dispatcher’s job is to manage freight on behalf of a carrier. This includes the use of load boards and personal contacts to search for load, negotiate with brokers, build routes for the driver, and ultimately, deliver the load. You will need good communication skills as you will interact with drivers and brokers on a daily basis.

If you want to try yourself as a truck dispatcher, you have several job options: work in a transport company or work from home.

After training, you will be able to work not only in the company’s office, but also remotely from any country in the world, while earning from $2,000 per month, working just a few hours a day.


What you will learn in the online course:

– Basics of the Truck Dispatcher Job

– How and where to find the load

– Communication with drivers and brokers

– Preparation of all necessary documentation for the work as a truck dispatcher

– Secrets of the transport industry

– How to open your company in the USA


Course structure:

– 10 Truck Dispatcher USA modules

– Support in the format of consultations from a personal Truck Dispatcher

– Access to materials with useful contacts and necessary information

Our students pass an exam after training and receive an official certificate.


Average Rating

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Detailed Rating

Price 275.00$
Instructor Tigerlex
Duration 4 weeks
Lectures 43
Enrolled 118 students

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